1. Guidelines for Employers
  2. Letter to Work Placement (by separate attachment)
  3. Learner Agreement Form
  4. Indemnity (Insurance) Letter (by separate attachment)
  5. Record or Attendance signed daily by supervisor
  6. Supervisor’s Report

Course Name:________________

Student Name:_______________


Thank you for offering a work experience placement to one of our learners. Work experience is

extremely valuable for our learners and is a vital element of their QQI programme.

Before the placement

When requesting a placement, the learner should provide you with a letter from the college/centre

giving information on the course the learner is doing and the requirement for work experience.

If you agree to a work experience placement the college/centre will then provide you with:

  • a letter of understanding between college/centre and employer regarding the work experience placement
  • a work experience agreement form to be signed by employer and learner
  • contact details for liaison person within college / centre
  • details of college/centre’s insurance cover for work experience
  • a work experience supervisor’s report on the learner’s performance, which will be emailed
  • to you and which should be completed by the learner’s work experience supervisor and returned to the college/centre by email

Garda Vetting will be necessary if the learner will be working with children or vulnerable adults.

Please ensure that your staff are informed that a learner will be coming to do a work experience


During the placement

  • Assign a work experience supervisor to the learner: a staff member who will provide induction guidance, and constructive feedback.
  • Induction should take place on the first morning of the placement and should include:
  • an introduction to the organisation, including how the company is structured, and the key
  • people with whom the learner will have contact
  • a tour of the facilities, including where to get food from inside or outside your building,
  • where the toilets are
  • first aid facilities and where the fire exits are situated (and any evacuation procedures) as
  • well as health and safety information they need to know (this is a legal requirement)
  • hours of work, timing of breaks
  • codes for doors, photocopier, PC password, if relevant
  • rules regarding use of PC and access to internet, if relevant
  • confidentiality, data protection and other relevant rules/policies
  • an outline of what the learner will be doing during their time with you – this should
  • include a chance for the learner to address the skills or experience s/he is keen to develop
  • ask the learner to complete their own contact form with details about who could be contacted in an emergency situation.
  • Employer Guidelines for Work Experience
  • The learner should be given tasks which are relevant to their course of study and which will give

them an understanding of your business. They should be supervised/supported/mentored as

appropriate. and you must take care not to place them at risk, and, as far as is reasonably

practicable, safeguard the learner’s health, safety and welfare at work. They should have the

statutory breaks to which staff are entitled.

  • The college/centre may/will be in touch with you during the placement, either through a prearranged visit or through a phone call, to check in on how the placement is going.
  • If any problematic issues arise during the placement, you should make contact with the liaison

person in the college-centre (see details below).

  • If a learner does not turn up and has made no contact with you we request that you let the

college/ centre know.

At end of placement

  • Ideally, the supervisor/mentor will review the experience with the learner, providing feedback and enabling the learner to summarise what they learned from the experience.
  • There is a report form on the learner’s performance on the placement. This forms part of the learner’s overall assessment for their course and is essential in order for the Learner to pass the Work Experience module. We ask that it be completed by the learner’s work experience supervisor and returned to the college/centre by email

College / Centre Contact Details

College Centre Inchicore College of Further Education
Address Emmet Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8
Name of Liaison Person Edel Griffiths
Phone Number 01 4535358
Email Address

Attached separately

City of Dublin Education and Training Board


Learner’s name: Employer:
Address: Address:
Mobile number: Supervisor:
Dates of work experience: Supervisor contact no.:
Hours of work: Supervisor email address:
Emergency contact name and number for learner:


As the Learner named above, I agree to take part in this Work Experience scheme, to be punctual in attendance and to inform the employer and my course co-ordinator of any absence due to illness, etc.

I also agree to hold in confidence any information about the employer’s business that I may obtain during this work experience and not to disclose such information to another person without the employer’s permission.

In addition, I also agree to observe all safety, security and other regulations laid down by the employer and made known to me by the employer, the employer’s representative or by displayed instructions.

Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ____________________


As a representative of the above employer, I agree to the learner named above working on my premises on a work experience placement. A staff member will act as the learner’s supervisor.

The learner will as far as possible be given tasks which are relevant to their course of study.

We will take care not to place the learner at risk, and, as far as is reasonably practicable, safeguard their health, safety and welfare at work

Name: _______________________________ Position: _____________________________

Signature:___________________________________ Date: ___________________________

Letter of Indemnity 2021 – attached separately

Work Placement Record of Attendance

Description: ICFE_LOGO_BLACK Course Name:Advanced Certificate in Business & Human Resources Management__QQI Level 6 Page ____

Name of Work Placement Company/Organisation: _____________________

Student Name: ______________________________________     Class: _BHR6

Date Supervisor’s Name Supervisor’s Signature Time In Time Out Total Hours Worked Comments

Work Placement Record of Attendance

Description: ICFE_LOGO_BLACK Course Name: _____________________________ Page ____

Name of Placement Centre: ______________________________________

Student Name: ______________________________________     Class: ____

Date Supervisor’s Name Supervisor’s Signature Time In Time Out Total Hours Worked Comments

Work Placement Record of Attendance

Description: ICFE_LOGO_BLACK Course Name: _____________________________ Page ____

Name of Placement Centre: ______________________________________

Student Name: ______________________________________     Class: ____

Date Supervisor’s Name Supervisor’s Signature Time In Time Out Total Hours Worked Comments

Work Placement Record of Attendance

Description: ICFE_LOGO_BLACK Course Name: _____________________________ Page ____

Name of Placement Centre: ______________________________________

Student Name: ______________________________________     Class: ____

Date Supervisor’s Name Supervisor’s Signature Time In Time Out Total Hours Worked Comments


Level 6 Work Experience 6N1946 Work Experience Supervisor’s Report Reviewed 2017

Learner’s Name: Centre/College Name: Tel No:

Organisation/Company Name: Supervisor’s Name: ______________________________ No. of hours worked:


Guidelines: This report forms an important part of the overall assessment of Level 6 Work Experience 6N1946 for QQI certification and will count towards the final grade the learner achieves in the award. It should be completed by a supervisor/manager who has observed the learner in the workplace. The Workplace Supervisor/Manager should indicate the learner’s performance by placing a tick for each of the criteria under one of the headings.

Criterion (Marks)  









Satis- factory






Arrives at work on time. Promptly returns from lunch and breaks. Completes the required number of hours per day.

Meets deadlines for tasks

Personal presentation

Appropriately dressed for work. Meets relevant hygiene standards. Appropriate posture for work, where relevant.

Works independently according to prior planning Completes tasks as agreed, showing initiative but seeking clarification/advice when needed.          
Demonstrates good practice

Uses good practice in carrying out tasks. Demonstrates ability to carry out key skills associated with the vocational area. Shows understanding of her/his role and associated responsibilities. Takes responsibility for her/his learning and willingness to evaluate it. Receives feedback in a positive manner.

Complies with health, safety and other relevant regulations. Shows knowledge of relevant regulations. Carries out appropriate reporting where needed. Dresses appropriately, e.g. hard hat, non-slip soles, etc. Demonstrates safe and hygienic practices and routines, e.g. handwashing. Safe operation of machinery and equipment.
Demonstrates effective interpersonal communication with staff and clients: Speaks clearly. Interacts appropriately and in a professional manner with supervisor, co-workers and clients. Demonstrates effective listening skills.
Demonstrates effective technological and/or written communication skills as appropriate to the vocational area Uses communication technology related to the vocational area, e.g. email, SMS, appointment systems, online record cards and/or Demonstrates effective written communication skills as appropriate for the vocational area, e.g., reports, Forms
How would you rate the learner’s attributes and aptitudes as needed to participate effectively in this vocational area?

Signature of Work Experience Supervisor: Date:

Signature of Assessor: Date:

To be returned by email by 9 March 2022 to: email address:

Address: Inchicore College of Further Education, Emmet Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8


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