Background: Professor Price made you roll a character by hand, on paper. Then he made you do it as a scene in Unity. Now he wants you to create a menu system that will act as a scaffolding for the development of the rest of the semester. Show him that you can do this! Create a game with a menu system that includes your character generator UI that also satisfies the following requirements.
- The assignment will be turned in on the class gitlab server at (Links to an external site.) . Your repo and unity project must be named F22_Proj_1B_Lastname_Firstname . Make sure to initialize your repository on with a Readme. Create a Unity project with the exact same name as the Rijeka project. Then link the two projects together via git commands – use the git fetch command. This will result in a merge conflict. For maximum points, resolve the merge conflict.
- You may copy the assets folder from your 1A project for this assignment.
- Build a UI that should function as a ‘menu’ system to quit your game in editor mode and executable mode. You will need Five menu options (buttons): About, Settings, Roll Character, Play Game [2D and 3D], and Quit. Play Game button should be visible but not be available – until the player finishes Rolling a Character like Project 1A. When a user selects a menu option, your game will load a new unity scene using SceneManager.LoadScene.
- The UI should implement a Game Controller that implements the Singleton software design pattern that is recommended for Unity games.
- The Play Game menu item should load a scene with a back button that sends the player back to the Main menu screen. You do not need to implement a game for this project.
- You must build and code this UI all by yourself. No additional assets (Free or paid for (Especially the Unity Tutorials)) may be used.
- You may not use external APIs to generate your character.
- Must be coded in C# using Unity3d 2020.3.# LTS or higher
- Original art will score highest. Documented borrowed art will result in a higher score than unattributed works. In general you should include a list of attributions in the form of a bibliography.txt.
- Push your code to your Rijeka repository. When you are ready for grading, push you code with a commit message of “Ready for Grading”
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