Discussion -Data Analysis

Data Analysis

Community needs

The Riverbend community and population need the intervention of second chance organization, where great implementations and activities are required (Garcia, & Haddock, 2016). These activities aid the youths ad juveniles from indulging in unintended and unwanted activities that could drive them to jail. Besides, the provision of necessities such as food and shelter is also a community need that the company is interested in and focuses on to achieve excellent community cohesion and better moral levels in the Riverbend city area. To acquire information and close-up knowledge of the respective services and community needs required in the area, specific information and data from the research need to be considered.

Reports form interviews

To acquire complete information and knowledge of the community needs required in the Riverbend city area, data from recent and previous research may provide the required information and knowledge about the respective issues witnessed. The interviews and questionnaires used in the previous research and contact with the residents of the particular area would be the best provisions of data and sufficient information about the individual needs required in the Riverbend city area. Besides, the use of other sources of information and data, such as results from other organizations and bodies such as the WHO, would help acquire full knowledge and information about the missing and the required community needs at the Riverbend community.

Community needs require attention.

Foremost, the essential community needs realized from the respective data include shelter, food, healthcare, and education. From the recent research, interviews and questionnaires recorded a high number of juveniles and teens living in under improved and haunting environments. Such circumstances are some of the causes of the unintended activities, where teens seek shelter using untended means such as breaking into properties. This is accorded as one of the most important community needs at the Riverbend city is community.

Apart from the particular need for housing and shelter, other common needs were recorded during the past interview (Garcia, & Haddock, 2016). Food shortage represents another important community needs at scarcity at the Riverbend City area community. The recent research indicated that many residents, both young and old suffer from the lack of food. Such a circumstance is an unbearable one that causes the respective residents to engage in thefts and other unintended activities. Besides, the residents also record food shortage as their main concern, where families only live with one or no meals in a day. Besides, the data from the company’s records illustrate that the community was provided with large quantities, thus supporting the fact that food scarcity is a great factor that affects the welfare of the respective residents (Garcia, & Haddock, 2016). Such a community need calls for immediate and serious action to help reduce issues and crimes related to the lack of food. Residents in the respective environment recorded breaking into properties and walking on the streets to find their much-desired bites and taste of junkyard food.

Healthcare is another concern and community need that the organization needs to focus. From the reports and interviews conducted at the Riverbend city area, healthcare service provision is realized in very haunting and low levels. Only a few out of the population access healthcare and other related services (Garcia, & Haddock, 2016). Such is a community need that requires serious attention due to the importance of the health and welfare of the respective population. Healthcare provision in the respective environment requires a great boost and concern, which will help cater to the individual community need, and help improve living standards in the area.


  1. What is the rate of improvement of the needs from the recent past?

The circumstances realized in the Riverbend city area do not appear pleasing in any way. The lack of common and necessary community needs is one factor that keeps life in a hard situation in a particular environment. However, after the concern and intervention done by the second chance organization, some of the essential aspects and community needs realized a boost (Garcia, & Haddock, 2016). Examples of improvements realized in the recent past include the provision of necessities by the company, such as food, shelter, and support in other aspects such as medicine provision and the education concern. Such results keep improving due to the company’s dedication to helping and improving the respective living standards of the residents.

  1. How effective is the help from the company

So far, and as realized, the interest and intervention provided by second Chance Company have brought various advantages and a great positive impact on the residents and the lives of the people living in the Riverbend city area. This implies that their hand in providing the necessities and the missing community needs has greatly impacted various circumstances in the respective environment. The population enjoys and benefits from the support produced by the company in terms of food, shelter, and medicine. Due to such results, the provisions by second chance organization deem successful and effective. However, the threat of the steadily rising population that required help and intervention in various aspects, mostly the primary needs such as food, could take a tool in the company’s ability to provide efficiently and enough services to cater to the individual community needs of the respective population.


The respective data and information obtained from the previous research at the premises and the environment of the Riverbend city area provide a clear picture of situations and circumstances. However, a strict review and analysis of the respective data are required to make conclusions of the respective circumstances and other related aspects emanating from the respective information acquired. The methods and techniques used in this process include record checking—observation, surveys, and crosschecking with secondary data.

Record checking

The data and information obtained in the previous research, which was stored in different records, such as field notebooks, questionnaires, and even computer devices in the organization, will undergo the process of record checking to avail the respective validity, truth, and relevance of the respective data (Heeringa, West, & Berglund, 2017). During the process of record checking, data stored in all the mediums and means will be checked for possible errors and other issues that may be realized during data analysis.


Observation is another technique that will be implemented in data analysis, where panels of professionals check the respective information and data obtained from the particular environment. After the data is checked and counterchecked, observations of the real aspects in real life are made to acquire the respective truthfulness and relevance of the respective data to the particular aspect and issues being researched (Heeringa, West, & Berglund, 2017). This implies that the professionals will use the respective data obtained from the interviews ad questionnaires to countercheck and confirm the respective activities unfolding in the respective environment. Such techniques will help acquire accurate, timely, and true information about the respective aspect being researched. Besides, this technique will also help provide transparency through the respective data analysis process.


Like other forms of data analysis, surveys will incorporate the use of surveys to analyze the respective data and information provided regarding the respective environment of the Riverbend city area. Surveys will help in-depth analysis, where experts will get into every detail of every aspect realized and recorded in the research findings (Heeringa, West, & Berglund, 2017). The professionals will then survey the respective environments according to the data acquired to fully understand the respective circumstances realized in the respective region.

Secondary data

Secondary data as a method of data analysis is another form that will be implemented in data analysis. During this process, the respective information and data acquired from the previous research in the respective environments are checked against other information and data from other organizations (Heeringa, West, & Berglund, 2017). During this process, the similarities and differences in the respective information are noted, therefore presenting an accurate knowledge about the respective circumstance and aspects as realized in the particular environment.

Ethical concerns

As realized in every research and interview process, there are underlying ethical issues that may be realized. These issues include cultural and religious beliefs, personal information and data privacy, and the disclosure of individuals involved in the interview process. Some of the individuals included during the interview process may require their identity consolidated and undisclosed to the public, and such circumstance acts as an ethical concern. Besides, residents in the area possess different religious and cultural beliefs, where interviews and certain questions may be inappropriate to ask (Takeda, 2021). Moreover, the disclosure of personal and private information is another ethical concern related to the respective process of data acquisition and analysis related to the respective research. In this aspect, disclosing personal information may become a great offense, thus acting as an ethical concern during the respective process.

Ways which data was analyzed.

Business intelligence tools

The use of data analysis software to provide the best results in terms of monitoring, reporting, and analyzing the most important findings in the data and information availed is made possible by the implementation of business intelligence tools, where different activities can be achieved with just little IT involvement (Ali, & Bhaskar, 2016). Besides, the predictive nature of the business intelligence tools is an added advantage during data analysis.

Balanced scorecards

The use of balanced score charts also help analyze individual data with the respective goals intended and required from the respective process. This includes the respective data obtained from the previous research and all other aspects included in the research, such as financial data and personal goals and requirements as realized in the data acquisition process.


SWOT analysis played a great role in finding details regarding specific data and the respective advantages or disadvantages they possess in the respective environment (GURL 2017). The data obtained was addressed and analyzed using SWOT analysis. The respective strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats were listed according to the data provided by the residents of the Riverbend city area.


Number of people Necessities provided
790 food
200 Shelter from domestic violence and teen assault
300 Counseling and emotional support
100 Physical therapy and related support.
Male Female
food 300 490
Shelter and protection from violence and assault 70 130
Counseling and emotional support 60 240
Physical therapy 30 70
Teens Adults
food 500 290
Shelter and protection from violence and assault 100 100
Counseling and emotional support 60 240
Physical therapy 30 70

As illustrated above, there is no doubt that the group successfully provided a wide range of services to low-income people in the Riverbend metropolitan area, from physical assistance to emotional counseling. Participation and implementation in various projects had a beneficial impact and resulted in favorable outcomes for the company.


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